Holy Trinity Primary School

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Latest Letter 





27 February 2025


Dear Parents and Carers


Mother’s Day 2025 – (Sunday 30 March 2025)

School Gift Shop – EYFS & KS1 - 26 March and KS2 - 27 March


On the 26th and 27th of  March The Friends of Holy Trinity Primary School will be opening a shop in school where children will be able to come and buy a gift for their mum, or special lady for Mother’s Day.  The children will come down to the shop from their classroom during the school day.  The EYFS and KS1 shop will be open on Wednesday the 26th March and the KS2 shop will be open on Thursday the 27th March.


There will be a variety gifts available and the children will be able to choose their own gift and have it gift wrapped.  All of the gifts cost £4 each.  Each child will be able to buy one gift only.


If you would like your child to buy a gift for their mum, stepmum, auntie, grandma, carer or other special lady for Mother’s Day please complete the slip at the end of this letter.  Please return the slip to school with your child and pay for the gift on ParentPay at the same time.  To ensure we have enough items for the shop, we will be closing the payment option on ParentPay at the end of the day on Friday 14th March, please ensure you have returned your slip and paid on ParentPay on this date.


Yours sincerely


Mrs S Zaman

On Behalf of the Friends of Holy Trinity