Holy Trinity Primary School

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Latest Letter 



Dear Parents and Carers,

PSHE and Relationships Education

As most of you are aware, in September 2023, Holy Trinity implemented a new PSHE and RSE curriculum. The scheme we use is SCARF by Coram Education. You will find the curriculum overview, along with other useful information on our school website.

Following February half term in Spring 2, the unit ‘Growing and Changing’ is taught.

We would like to invite you to an information session on Thursday 6th February at 5.30pm. This session will cover a brief overview of the ‘Growing and Changing’ unit through school, the vocabulary used, and will also indicate where there is an option to withdraw (Reception or Year 6) children from a specific lesson. For your information, this session will be very similar in content to the information session we hosted last year.

We hope to see you there.



Mrs Huby                                Miss Rudd

Headteacher                           PSHE Co-ordinator